If not, what you should keep en eye out fr is an actual scroll saw, not just a jig saw that is being called a scroll saw. To that end Rockwell and Delta made several decent scrollsaws from about the mid-1980's on. Most of them have round cast iron tables and have a distinctive "C" look to the frame. Even later Delta came up with a fantastic design for an 16" saw. This was the first time that Delta made a true parallel arm saw, which most other manufacturers discovered were superior to the C-arm years before. The 16" saw was made in Taiwan and had a two speed rocker switch and a round, left-tilting table. Later Delta added a variable speed motor, which was great, and a 20" version of the saw which wasn't so great. Delta has since moved the production of this saw to China where the quality has suffered. If the listings don;t mention the country of origin, send the seller a note. Pass on the Chinese unit, buy the Tiaweenie one.
Click here for Delta/Rockwell Scrollsaws and Jigsaws For Sale