Well, with everyone's help we made it to the second round, but we were not one of the top 15 finalists. Oh well, at least lost to some spectacular competitors. Thanks for you help.
One of my favorite sites that I’ve been visiting for the past year or so is Instructables.com. Instructables is a site where lots of creative and crazy people like me share their projects in a step by step instructional thingie called an Instructable.
Some of you know that my son was inspired by a comment in the movie "Talladega Nights" and just HAD to have a Six Cheese Nacho Fountain at his October 2008 wedding.
Instructables is now having a contest and we have entered this project in it and we need your vote to help put us over the top! We used Shopsmith tools throughout, and there are lots of pictures and videos included.
There are actually three rounds of voting, so in this first round you can vote for any and as many of the Instructables that you like. The second round is judged by the editors at Instructables and some editors from Popular Science!
In order to vote you'll need to register, which is a fast 30 second ordeal. I been visiting this site for over a year and can confirm that that they don't send unwanted emails or sell your info.
The voting began on Jan 5th and runs through the 11th, so please feel free to forward this to all your friends.
Here’s how to vote in three easy steps:
Step 1) Click this LINK and Register. This is done by click on the "Sign up now" link on the top right of the page at the link below.
Step 2) Once you register search the term “Aristocob” or “Cheese Fountain”.
Step 3) Click on the VOTE NOW! Link. Some folks are apparently "ranking" the Instructable, with is fine, but that's not the same as voting. The VOTE NOW! link will not work if you don't register.
Thanks for your support and we'll let ya know how things go!
Make it a great day, Scott
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